Registered Charity No: 1167456
Beat Autism
Our Story
When our first son was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at the age of 7 we were told that he would never form relationships, he wouldn’t have the coordination for sports or be able to play in teams. It was unlikely that he would ever work and that sadly his future was very bleak.
Our second Son was diagnosed with Severe Classic Autism at the age of 5. We were given a leaflet explaining what Autism is and a box of tissues. We were told that there is no cure for Autism.
Our eldest son now holds down a regular job, drives his own car and has a long term girlfriend. Oh, and he plays for his local cricket team too! Our youngest son still has a long way to go, but has changed from a violent, non verbal, frustrated child to a happy, lovable bundle of joy that now speaks in small sentences, and negotiates everything.
Sharon Firth

The History of
Beat Autism
Where it began
Our first son Ashley was diagnosed with Asperger's, aged 7
Life-Saving Surgery
Our second son Luke was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus and had lifesaving brain surgery aged 17 months
Luke's diagnosis
Luke was diagnosed with Autism aged 5
Our Next Chapter
Due to the severity of Luke’s needs, and finding no support locally, we embarked on the Son Rise Program in America
The Birth of Beat Autism
We set up a not-for-profit organisation with aspirations of helping families who were like ours, by offering a coffee morning, where people could meet up and chat about their current concerns and share positive experiences.
The response we had was overwhelming.
We gained charity status
Not only do we offer support but we are continually trying to raise awareness to allow our children to be themselves and for society to accept their differences and allow them to be who they are
Derby to Castleford
We are always carrying out fundraising events, as we are not funded by any government or local authority. o In 2017 we walked 70 miles from Derby to Castleford
5 Teams, 26 Miles, 50 Challenges
In 2018 we had 5 teams walk 26 miles covering 5 different towns doing 50 challenges on route.