Beat Autism

Registered Charity No: 1167456

Autism Support

School Training & Workshops

We offer a full day in house training to all members of staff within a schooling environment, from dinner ladies to the management team.

In this session we help you see things through the eyes of an Autistic child. Understanding how the child perceives the world is a major step towards why they ‘behave’ as they do and ultimately how to change that behaviour.

We cover:


Are you struggling to understand a child in your school?

Are you struggling to engage with a child in your school?

If the answer is yes, then let us come in and observe the child and support worker. We will then work with the support worker to put strategies in place to help with the current issues of concern.

Our Sponsors

A very big thank you to the fantastic companies and charities who have helped support various projects within our group. Our work would not be possible without their generous backing…